The structure comprises more than half the space visible from the constellation of Virgo to the constellation of the Crane. Although astronomers are not yet sure of their origin, they suspect the remains could be an eruption in an ancient supermassive black hole located in the middle of the Milky Way, as published today in the journal Astrophysical Journal. Another possible explanation is that the bubbles were formed from gas mass formation processes of stars near the galactic center millions of years ago. In any case, the shape of bubbles suggests that they were generated by a large amount of energy released quickly.
"In other galaxies we have detected flashes with gas output," said David Spergel, a scientist at Princeton University in New Jersey (USA) and coauthor of the study. "Whatever the source energy behind these huge bubbles, is related to many questions in astrophysics, "he says.
" Fermi scans the entire sky every three hours, as the mission continues and deepens our exposure, we the universe end to a progressively higher level of detail, "says Julie McEnery, a researcher at the Goddard Space Flight Center of NASA.
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