Whenever I find myself less when collided headlong with a video like that you I put below:
Well. What I can say? Well I feel a bit like the joker who calls the program of this lady, and I am convinced that something of a joke is that call. Can not be a fan of this woman knowing what their ideas about the homosexual condition.
disagree primarily with the lack of historical perspective and selective ignorance which boasts both she and the caller below. In the English State people of the same sex can marry and raise a family. Period. What the law says, and that is unwavering.
This morning I picked up, at last, the marriage records for marriage with my partner, who fijate, is a guy. A guy I live almost 5 years and I'm in love abosultamente to the bars. And no vice, nor am I crazy, or he is. I think our life is like that of heterosexual couples 5, or my brother and his wife.
is not a hobby. I like to do things right, and if you do not. And in the words of Doña Cuca (streak) Garcia de Vinuesa (that name does not scare me) is implicit disrespect for such marriages. Neither
Joseph and Mary invented the family and we " else." Finally the whole world begins to awaken from their deep slumber and society, more and more and I can check it daily, treats homosexuals the same way as heterosexuals. In fact, most of my friends are straight. But there are still remnants of orangutans prone to censorship.
Doña Cuca says (streak) is not equal, and there I will give absolutely right. In no way are equal to you, the fascists, if fascists, and I say with my whole mouth in the most absolute sense of that term. I think the most tolerant person I know, to the point of repeating their views absurd, outdated, embarrassing for the speaker and SAD. Why are some people who do not look sad but beyond the image they project to others, regardless of the price and the unhappiness that pay for it.
be that much for the tolerance is the word that defines humanity, but I hope that little by little, at least, the laws are enforced. And if my husband and I want (not God, my lady) get married to the glory and enjoyment of all we want and know how is our relationship. And that day we deliver our FAMILY BOOK, if Cuca (streak) of FAMILY.
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