Antonio Perez is one of 22 executives who will stimulate the job market in the United States has been chosen as part of Council on Employment and Competitiveness, whose task is to promote job creation in the U.S. and the strengthening of the economy.
Antonio Pérez Alvarez, born in Vigo in 1945, is president-CEO of Eastman Kodak since 2005. It is the only English man who runs a large U.S. firm.
Antonio Pérez (Vigo 1945) board member Using Obama. |
His father, a fish exporter in O Berbés, himself the son of another exporter, we had to travel to five in the morning at auctions while still high school was studying. But he broke the family tradition and went to study in Madrid, where he graduated in Telecommunications Engineering, in addition to Marketing and Business. In 2003 he joined Kodak in two years and became its chairman-CEO, effectively cleaning up the accounts of that company.
usually travels from New York to Vigo, and here's a part of your family. Wise man say that his arrival in Peinador pass unnoticed and is only known that in Vigo for his private jet.
Source: Faro de Vigo
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