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[SND] A "pacemaker" in the stomach and start to lose weight without problems

A device similar to a pacemaker implanted in his stomach that detects each time the patient ingests any food and sends electrical impulses that cause the feeling of satiety is new surgical technique for treatment of obesity.
The system, called "Abilities" has been implemented for the first time in Spain, two women with morbid obesity by surgeons of the Clinic of Light and has been presented today at a press conference that has had the presence of one patient, Alejandra, a Colombian 21 years and 119 kilos.
intervention can be performed on an outpatient or day hospital using minimally invasive techniques.
This novel technique does not alter the physiology of the stomach and is safer than gastric banding or intragastric balloon, as it has many postoperative complications, reduced morbidity, the treatment does not require complex diets and provides a l rehabilitation patient's habits food.
Dr. Manuel Miranda, head of the Bariatric Surgery Unit of the hospital, explained that the intervention is to place a sensor in the stomach, which is attached to a pacemaker.

works like a pacemaker
When the patient eats or drinks, the sensor sends a stimulus to the pacemaker, which he in turn transmitted to an electrode in the gastric wall , resulting in the patient the feeling that your stomach is full .
The device works As a cardiac pacemaker, except that the battery lasts five years and may be withdrawn at any time.
Once installed the system from a computer by the doctor can wirelessly control all the data accumulated in the device and calibrated to the characteristics and patient outcomes.
"Actually, this is a computer program. You have to program the stimulator for the patient to eat food when you feel comfortable eating a chicken and a pasta dish," said Dr. Manuel Serrano, head Unit of Internal Medicine of Light.
"Without touching the morphology of the stomach, the patient may feel that is filled with a much lower amount of food which really seems to have swallowed," said.
entity Patients may lose 35 to 40 percent of excess weight in a year.
cost, cheaper than bariatric surgery
For Alejandra, Dr. Miranda has said that you can lose 25 kilos "depending on whether or not disciplined."
explained that the patient has already experienced the feeling of satiety and has been eating four meals "in a jar Baby "• In addition, stated that since he underwent surgery last Friday, has lost between 3 and 4 kilos.
Dr. Miranda has been convinced that this new technique" will far exceed the results obtained by gastric band and the intragastric balloon.
As for the cost of the intervention, the doctors have given a figure but have been assured that it becomes approximately equal to what it costs to other bariatric surgery, "or maybe something cheaper "

is safer than gastric banding or intragastric balloon

A "pacemaker" in the stomach and start to lose weight without problems

Device 'Abilities' detects whenever the patient eats any food

Geolocalización de la noticia
Writing, March 24, 2011 at 11:23

Posted by VRedondoF for SND on 3/27/2011 8:09:00 AM


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