Sierra Pambley Foundation is a private non-profit organization dedicated since 1887 to educational and cultural activities in the province Leon (Spain).
was created at the initiative of D. Francisco Fernandez-Blanco and Sierra-Pambley Who endowed with most of his personal fortune. The purpose of the schools created was to provide primary education and Moreruela Villameca of Tabara (Zamora) and vocational training Villablino Trade and Agriculture, Education and Agriculture Primary Órbigo Hospital, carpentry, metalwork and locks in Workers' Industrial School of Leon and Agriculture in the Farm School in San Isidro del Monte (León).
According to Manuel B. Cossio: "Don Paco Sierra was a very extraordinary, but very harmonious combination of freedom and aristocratic (...). His sense of liberty, professed by him every day with high purity (more liberal the older), and brought him to derive current action towards those two factors, which are united by nature to freedom, as sacred evangelical statements: "Where is the spirit, there is freedom." And the creation of spirit is essentially the work of the school. And school primary factor in all aspects of spiritual formation and more than any of the intelligence. (...) Son spiritual, Sierra Pambley, the patriots of Cadiz, their foundations have been the hallmark of education as necessary for the unfailing "government of the people, by the people."
meaning of the word aristocrat always understood that the best are the most required and the rich is a mere administrator of wealth "
Foundation's work was always guided by the spirit of Free Educational Institution and ideas of Francisco Giner de los Ríos, D. Gumersindo Azcarate, and D. Manuel Bartolomé Cossio that formed part of its first Board of Trustees and in the case of the latter two were on their chairmen.
This spirit was summed up perfectly in 1880 by the same Giner:
real action educator in those areas where more urges the need to redeem our minds: from the genesis of moral character as weak and enervated in a nation indifferent to his downfall, even body care compromised, as perhaps in no other people of Europe by a sickening indifference, the development of personality Single, never more necessary than when it reached its peak leveling idolatry and the masses, the severe obedience to the law, against the rule of discretion, which tempts us every hour between the pride of rulers and ruled; sacrifice before calling on all selfish calculation, the only means of strengthening in the future our ailing social interests, and the sincere patriotism, loyal, active, who is ashamed of his foolish flattery perpetuate evils whose remedy seems pointless to servile egotism love work, whose absence makes English a beggar all the State or public roads lying hatred, one of our social cancers carefully maintained by a corrupt education, in short, the spirit of fairness and tolerance, against the exterminator frenzy among us blind to all parties.
Photo: students at the Foundation in 1928 Sierra Pambley
After the coup of July 18, 1936, the Foundation was seized by the rebels and their leaders dismissed. The Director of the Farm School of the Mount of San Isidro and Professor of Veterinary Medicine, D. Nicostrato Vela was executed, the librarian, D. Pio Alvarez was "walked" and were "cleansed" many teachers.
Throughout the Franco dictatorship, Sierra-Pambley Foundation, worked with a Board chaired by the Bishop of León and with very low educational activities. However, it should be noted that the Library Azcarate, thanks to its new head, D. Antonio González de Lama, remained a refuge from intolerance and cultural center. Housed in the postwar period, the beginning of the poetry magazine "Cattail" (1944-1951), a real exception in the literary and thought during the early Franco.
With the restoration of democracy in Spain D. Justin de Azcarate y Florez, exile and newcomer Sen. real name, initiated efforts to restore Sierra-Pambley Foundation and return to secular and liberal principles of the Free Institution of Teaching, which was achieved on 11 January 1979.
As formal education has been covering the educational spaces that are engaged Pambley Sierra Foundation, this is due by retrofitting an important process of renewal by creating new lessons for meet the aims.
now offers a comprehensive training program based on three main areas:
- training for immigrants
- training for teachers of English
- training in new technologies
Giner stated that " an engineer should be ashamed of not knowing who was Shakespeare, Kant or Rousseau ." Based on this idea, the Foundation also organizes a wide range of activities which have a very clear objective: to bring culture and science throughout society.
addition, English courses for immigrants try to respond to the demands of a growing number of people who need to manage our language as a communication tool.
The Library Azcarate and makes available a comprehensive specialized bibliographic in social sciences and a reading room full of history but equipped with modern technologies (free wifi and four computer stations).
The Sierra-Pambley Museum shows the life of an illustrious family of the nineteenth century and the impressive educational activity of the Foundation.
The File custody documentary history of all activities of this institution and families Fernandez-Blanco and Sierra Pambley.
facilities in the Foundation conducts an intense training and rural development by the teachers union "HELIOS 82" and Rural Development Centre "El Villar" .
The Sierra College Pambley Órbigo in Hospital provides quality training for youth and adults in areas such as operator of nurseries and gardening.
The Farm School "The Campaza" stays home to schools throughout the province and its neighbors.
Collaborating Centre of Castilla y Leon teaches courses such as, for example, flower shop assistant or computer user.
The Center for Rural Development "El Villar Operator provides training in carpentry, farming, carpenter, etc. In addition, several villages in the Shire of Órbigo, maintains a network adult education, playgroups for children, counseling activities to people l education major and to health that are essential for the development and establishment of the rural population.
Thanks to an agreement between the Sierra-Pambley Foundation, the City Council Villablino and the National University Distance Education (UNED) is provided both as a formal university extension courses.
the same facilities in the Sierra-Pambley Foundation are conducted summer courses organized by the University of León and the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid .
Also in the Lecture is delivered by SIL (Summer Institute of Linguistics ) and PROEL (English Promoter of Lingüítica ) an MA in Applied Linguistics.
Sierra Foundation - Pambley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- 2 visits - 01/06/1910 The Sierra Foundation - Pambley was created on April 21, 1887 by Francisco Giner de los Ríos with principles of the Free Institution of Teaching, ... / wiki / Foundation _ Sierra - Pambley - Cached - Similar / wiki / Foundation _ Sierra - Pambley - Cached - Similar
Free Educational Institution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
away1876 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Francisco Giner de los Ríos creates Free Institution Teaching in Spain ...
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