Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pokemon Free Cross Stitch Patterns

The analysis of water by Masaru Emoto

"fate" by Masaru Emoto
Tokyo, Japan on March 14, 2011

rejected method of forecasting earthquakes.
7 or 8 years ago, the then National Institute of Science and Technology of Japan, published a call inviting both public and private sector to participate in the Competition of Research and Development of new technologies, to provide financial support to outstanding projects. On hearing this call asked Dr. Yasuyuki Nemoto, then head of Research Center researchers IHM prepare the necessary documents for the competition, since a long time I had a very novel and interesting idea.

My idea was as follows: Set in various regions of Japan Research Centers Water Crystals, whose main activity would be to sample the region's natural water and photograph the crystals every day, These photos serve as a database that will allow us to predict the possible earthquakes, including when, where and in what quantities might occur by analyzing the changes that occur in the crystals.

This methodology is based on the idea that water is the only channel that allows us to catch HADO (vibration). Naturally as the photographs show beautiful water crystals would not hurt. However, when the crystals begin to gradual deformation can be seen that water is warning us a tremor, which occur when the degree of deformation came to its peak. Water is able to tell us an earthquake, and on this theory developed the system of disaster prevention. It was a very novel, but I had my foundation.

If the earthquake of 2000
In October 2000 when the earthquake occurred in Tottori in western Japan, a priestess of a local shrine sensed it and came to take samples of water from a well before, same day and one day after the quake, which sent us the IHM Research Center.

The results are the following pictures:

The glass of water a day before the quake.

The glass of water immediately after the quake.

The glass of water a day after the quake.

Well water showed large changes in the way of the glass before and after the quake. However, the Japanese gave this project with the door in his face. The following year also saw the same result.
Now we experience the largest earthquake in the history of Japan, remember the above incident filled me with indignation and started writing this newsletter after a decision, "This time I will not give up."

All wisdoms are deposited in nature, and we always learn from it. We are now living on a planet called Earth. How long we live on this planet? Certainly since we began to live as man has been more than 5 million years and during those 5 million years our ancestors lived and shared the ups and downs with the Nature of Earth. Thanks to food and water and the rooftops and clothing that provides us Nature, could survive, but sometimes many people died from consequences of natural disasters when they attacked the human nature in all its fury. Mission
Grandparents and Shamans
Put another way, our ancestors were able to survival on the earth through the ancient wisdom taught them to harmonize and maintain good relationship with nature and for this, through offerings and prayers always expressed their appreciation and love of nature. The most important thing was to maintain constant dialogue and communication with nature. However, Nature does not speak the same language as us.
As I explained in my book " Messages of Water "(1999), she can hear us and understand our word, however, unfortunately we have already lost the power to understand their language. No doubt our ancestors tried to capture all the signals transmitted by keeping tuned nature of human perceptions. When some men that showed their ability far above the others, assumed the role of being the elder or shaman of his tribe.
The acts committed by modern civilization after Christopher Columbus
However, after the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, the colonial policies of Western imperialism, they considered the existence of such spiritual leaders as a serious obstacle to achieving their goal and began the task of exterminating the use of violence. Since then every time you needed to justify any act committed by his own best interests, drew the argument "in the name of science."
One of the bad habits of the academic society, which affects up to today, is a purely technical concept, but is regarded as "absolutely unquestionable" among scientists. This is the word "repeatability" or "repeatability." All HADO based thoughts have been implacably rejected by scientists, because of this blind belief, and so scientists played almost decisive role to close the door that might lead us to recover the subtle communication with nature.
However, is it really acceptable to the prevailing trend in the scientific society bluntly: "While not checked the repeatability of a fact, not worth rating as" scientific. "
I can not accept this idea in any way.
For example, all natural phenomena are matters of fate, so to check the repeatability would be an extremely difficult task that the current level of science difficult to achieve. On 11 March 2011 at 3:30 pm Tohoku Kanto Earthquake occurred in Japan. The death toll reached more than 11,000 people ... Is there any scientist who managed to predict this disaster? None.
The origin of nature is the "water." For the longest time we avoid human efforts to get to know about What is the water? On the contrary, tried to eliminate those researchers who began to stand to obtain relevant results on the water.
For the first time in the world was published my book "The Messages of Water" 12 years ago and has since been translated into several languages. Thanks to these efforts more than 5 million people have read the book and expressed their deepest sympathy. That is, people who are able to perceive the feelings of Nature lifted their hands saying "I agree!", "Support the hypothesis that Emoto us!" This has already become a social phenomenon that I think nobody can ignore.
I think many people around the world were looking at pictures of tsunami struck the coast of northeastern Japan immediately after the earthquake. Normally the water is very beautiful and a great healing for us. But this time, water from the tsunami in the television screen seemed stripped of all feelings to punish humanity, without mercy, like an executioner. I

people constantly repeated that "Water is the Messenger of God." So I think that the Earthquake and Tsunami of March 11 warning from God means not only the Japanese people and Tohoku, Kanto regions, but to all mankind, and could be the last.

What God tells us? Surely we urgently appeals to regain the ability to dialogue with nature. On the other hand, serious damage to nuclear plants for electricity generation Fukushima, come to such a degree that the leak of radioactivity detected at a very alarming. This notice also consider it as a warning from God to all mankind, which must close all nuclear plants because they represent the Pandora's Box called "atomic force" should never open.
scientists I ask: I do not care whether or not you support my hypothesis, but please at least abstain from exercising this hypothesis relentlessly block certain social pressures. You have no right to do so.
On the other hand, I ask those scientists who are kind enough sensitivity to recognize my theories, please it's time to stand up and act decisively, because: We are in a real emergency! Masaru Emoto


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