Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Does Mean Taking Off Shoes In A Dream

Second Sun planes in China, Lens Flare effect, or effect Mirage.?

A strange celestial phenomenon occurred in China recently. The sun seemed to branch and generate two bodies, two suns, which were collected simultaneously by hundreds of witnesses. The show was documented in both video and pictures and so far, although some experts dismiss this could be a computer animation, have not been able to coin an explanation for this unique event. Interestingly

the phenomenon is recorded weeks after the announcement of the likely explosion of the star Betelgeuse, an event that could create the illusion that two suns on the horizon coexist. Life's Little Site Mysteries, twin Space.com, Jim questioned Kael, an astronomer at the University of Illinois, on images captured in China. "I doubt that it is a computer modeling. There must be some kind of atmospheric modulation produced this truly amazing phenomenon, which in a sense is a mirage (optical phenomenon or illusion).

Another reviewer also Life's Little Mysteries about the zaniness of "double sun" that was observed in China is the scientist Grant Perry, an expert on atmospheric phenomena at the University of Wisconsin Cooperative Institute for Meteorological and Satellite Studies. "Who we are seeing is an optical phenomenon common. I wonder to myself if the product of the lens, but if that were the case then the images would move relative to one another along with the camera. but this does not happen, "he says. And if you were to force an explanation" would have to assume that they are ice particles in the atmosphere or something lined up so that these retractory sunlight in a very small angle, but only in one direction. And it would require quite peculiar characteristics "he added.
-called mirages are produced when particles in the atmosphere refract, or bend, light waves. Usually manifest near the horizon, where the air is heavier, and most common is that they are aligned vertically, either below or above the original light source (in the video the second sun appears on one side, which generates even more questions .) A famous Dutch astronomer Marcel Minnaert, compiled a series of images showing either the sun or the moon, duplicates. The images were published in the book "Light and Color in the Outdoors" was printed in 1993.


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